Monday, October 6, 2008

A writing question

OK, my friends, I need your help.  I have been playing with a story for a couple of months now and I am finally getting some words down on paper (over 10,500 now!)  I'm in the groove a bit and realize I need some feedback.  Sarai was fabulous and looked over things when I first started (thanks, hon!), but I think I am ready to enlist a critique partner.  This question goes out to all of you currently writing, how did you go about finding your CP?  How exactly does this all work?  Any advice for a writing newbie?


Carolyn Crane said...

Hey, good for you. I think a post like this is a great way to find a CP. I found my 2 CPs within this online community and I couldn't be happier.

JenB said...

Do CP's all have to be writers?

Shannon said...

Jen- I don;t think they have to be writers, per say. Although, if only one person is writing I think you would be a critique person instead of partner. It has been my understanding that partners critique each other, but then again I could be completely wrong.

Sarai said...

Well honey I'm still game b/c I could use a CP myself and I have to say I really could use just a good old kick in the pants LOL

Jen a CP doesn't have to write but usually a CP is someone who can give their thoughts on how the book is flowing and than in return they read the other's book. But as long as you are willing to read it and say what works or what doesn't as a reader I still think that would be great help!

Sarai said...

PS not to mention I loved the few pages I was able to read (g)

Shannon said...

Yay! Sarai, you are fabulous :) I have actually done a bit of writing tonight and am up to about 11,750 words. I have to do some major editing, though. Basically everything I have added since you read it has just been "butt in seat, fingers on keyboard" stuff. I am almost afraid to read it all.

I actually started brainstorming this afternoon for another project (probably my NaNoWriMo story.) We shall see if I can make it coherent.

Tracy said...

Congrats on your writing. I think putting the request out there is a great idea! :)

The Bookworm said...

best of luck shannon! that great about your writing.

Bridget Locke said...

Congrats! :)

I think CP's should be willing to work together. It shouldn't be one-sided and hopefully you'll find someone who has the same taste. Same taste is exteremely important! Also, someone who has the same quality of writing. I know that sounds almost arrogant, but if you find someone who isn't a very good writer (in your opinion) than it's harder to work with them, because you might want to slam their work (if that makes sense). :0

Or, you could just find a BETA reader who is willing to read it just because! :D