Anyhow, it is now my turn to pass out the awards. I think most every blog I visit has already received this award. With that in mind, I am simply going to recongize those blogs I consider a "must visit" on days when I am strapped for time. Here are the blogs I can't miss:
Stacy- My local book pimp
Sarai- She who has volunteered to suffer through my writing attempts
Smart Bitches- They were my intro into the world of romance book blogs/sites. If not for them I would still be clueless.
DIK Ladies- Yes, I know I am part of it, but there are so many of you involved and I just feel honored to be part of such a great group and blog.
Meljean Brook- Cracks my shit up. 'nuf said.
Ripmybodice- I never laugh more than while reading their reviews. Frickin' hilarious.
JenB- WTF Wednesdays. She dares to ask the questions, we dare to share too much.
So you want to participate? Here are the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3) Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
I second your motions for all that Blog Lurve!!! The girls at Rip My Bodice blog are truly hilarious. Thanks for reminding me about them--I haven't been there in a while.
What a sweetie you are, Shannon. And I love your other choices.
Christine- Aren't La Lola, Mimi, and the crew hilarious?
Stacy- I was peaking through my plie of books and was thinking I might pass some your way on Monday. I'm done with them, and it is your birthday... tomorrow? so if you are interested let me know :)
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