On Friday I was driving home from work grooving to tunes on my iPod. The wind was blowing through my hair, the sun glinting off my sunglasses. OK, I will admit it, I was sitting in stand still traffic listening to musical theater. Suddenly, "Past the Point of No Return" came throbbing through my speaker. (Yes, I actually typed that sentence. Get over it.) Anyhow, the angst of the Phantom and Christine triggered a yearning. At that moment I absolutely HAD TO WATCH the cheesy over-the-top movie version of the stage musical. After stopping at more stores that I want to admit, I had my very own copy. Oh, it is so very bad. I love it! The best part? Gerard Butler. Oh, baby!

Watching the movie got me to thinking: what other stage musical needs to be brought to the silver screen? Who would be cast as those classic characters?
Personally, I would love to see Les Miserables made into a movie. Gerard Butler and Helena Bonham Carter as the Thenardiers (the inn keepers). William Petersen as Jean Valjean. Hmmm... who else? I must think upon this.
So what do you think? What show should be given special movie treatment? Who should play your beloved characters?
Gerry should be in every movie, a nice period piece where we see his bulging muscles.
I would love to see Les Mis as a musical.
I watched the stage version of Phantom of the Opera at Bass Hall in Fort Worth a few years back and HATED it.
I loved the movie. Go figure.
Gerard Butler would make Istar in to a good movie. The man is walking personification of masculinity and sexiness. The movie was cheesy, but the parts with him in it are actually moving and touching. He was fantastic. The rest of the cast was miserable starting with Emmy what's her name. She cannot act and she looked at GB every time like she was having an orgasim. The guy who played Raoul was equally annoying. He was the most trained musically and was cheeseball all the way. GB can act his way out of a paper bag and still look sexy doing it. So incredibily hot that man is!!!!
If I was Christine in the movie, I too would look like I was having a constant orgasm also, because of Gerry. That man sure does have a way about him.
I think Les Miserables was made into a movie - a while ago - I think Liam Neeson was in it...but Gerard Butler would be much more interesting!!!
yep - I think Les Mis is a movie - but I'm not sure.
My oldest just loves Phantom of the Opera so it's on in my house A LOT!
Yeah they made amovie of Les Mis, but it was an adaptation of the book, not the musical. There was no singing :( I want the full production: Master of the House, The Confrontation, A Little Fall of Rain... the whole shebang.
I saw Les Mis on stage way back when and... I just don't get it. It never made any sense to me. Vive le revolution.... let's build a pile of garbage in the street?? Whah?
I'm so with you on Les Miz. I would LOVE to see it come to the screen. I know it is a movie, but I don't think it's based on the musical. I've seen the musical a few times and have it on DVD. I also saw The Phantom of the Opera musical and have the movie. I love both.
As for who to star - I'm not really sure *g*
oooh! Shannon, great topic!
I agree, Les Mis would be fabulous, but I'm not sure how they'd do it. Only because I think that the set pieces in the stage production are SO epic and sweeping, you know? It would be hard to translate it to screen. But OMG, I'd pay over and over to see it! I freaking LOVE Les Mis!
I think that the success of the movie would, at least for me, hinge on who they cast as Eponine, who is my favorite character in the story. Someone with red hair who is tiny and could actually really sing. "On My Own" brings tears to my eyes every single time I hear it.
...and now it's stuck in my head. Dang.
Looks like the les mis. have it. I would love to see Miss Siagon in a movie format
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