... I just couldn't pass up this quiz. I saw it over on Cubie's Confections and knew I needed to waste some time oggling the hot menz completeing this incredibly scientific test.
Your result for The What type of MAN turns you on Test...

Your result for The What type of MAN turns you on Test...
Classic scorcher

You have picked my personal favorite type of man. Yes, man, not boy. The all-American and then some. You admire a buff body and manly features but someone who knows how to bathe himself and even though he's a scorcher, you could still bring him home to mom - as long as she keeps her hands off! Someone this hot would be......Victor Webster. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!
Take The What type of MAN turns you on Test at HelloQuizzy
I went through the quiz (and it was a pleasure indeed!) but didn't get the results because I didn't want to bother registering.
It's too bad that harems are illegal. They were all pretty nummy.
How weird. I didn't register either. huh.
Wasn't the eye candy yummy? ;)
Oh, Shannon! What will you name him?
I think his name is Victor, but I shall name him Manuel. MMMMM... Man(you do that)well.
I did that quiz a week or so ago on someone else's blog. I got the tough guy. Ooo la la.
I tried this one and got Vin Diesel. That's not right!! I don't LIKE Vin Diesel!! He does NOTHING for me. Why couldn't I have got a nice yummy guy like you did??? Why? I ask.
Jean-Claude Van Damme??? I mean, I like Belgium and all but really?
"You love a manly man and you don't have time for boys. You like someone who looks exotic and who takes care of his body and hygiene. That is a good idea in case you are trying to eat jello shooters off of his beautiful 6 pack. Someone like.....Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium's hottest export."
I am perplexed by the hygiene bit. Don't we all want someone, um, not smelly?
This was fun.
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